Searching for untold stories

Searching for untold stories

I’ve had a lifelong interest in history, specifically in World War II history, but it’s probably more accurate to call my interest a passion—one come by honestly. My father was a World War II fighter pilot who escorted bombers from North Africa to their targets in...
Pearl Harbor Eighty Years On

Pearl Harbor Eighty Years On

The Normandy American Cemetery may be the most familiar of all the American cemeteries and memorials commemorating American fallen in World War II, and it is an incredibly moving experience to walk through the innumerable rows of crosses and Stars of David and on the...
Progress on WWII Remembrances

Progress on WWII Remembrances

Whether you have a family member or friend who served in World War II or even if you just enjoy reading the exploits of those who served, you’ve likely tripped over a repository of veterans stories in your travels across the internet. The different websites housing...